The ‘Most Diabetic Place in America’ grapples with the devastating disease that affects nearly 1 in 3 residents

Diabetes affects 1 in 3 residents of Jackson County, where Newport, Ark.,  seen in an aerial view taken Aug. 12, 2021, is the county seat. Rory Doyle/MCIR

Diabetes affects 1 in 3 residents of Jackson County, where Newport, Ark.,  seen in an aerial view taken Aug. 12, 2021, is the county seat. Rory Doyle/MCIR

By Jerry Mitchell
Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting

NEWPORT, Arkansas – This is the most diabetic place in America.

None of those interviewed knew that. Not even the mayor. “I didn’t know it until you told me,” Mayor David Stewart said.

And therein lies the problem, said Dr. Bala Simon, state chronic disease director for the Arkansas Department of Health.

Diabetes attacks victims silently, sometimes doing years of long-term damage before the disease is discovered, he said.

Overall, the disease affects 1 in 10 Americans, but here, it’s nearly 1 in 3 — the highest rate in the nation.

The mayor didn’t know that Jackson County, where Newport is the county seat, had the highest rate of diabetes in the nation. He didn’t even know the county had the highest rate in Arkansas.

What he wishes he did know is why.

Simon said the main culprit for the skyrocketing rate in diabetes (10 times higher today than in 1958) is the corresponding rise in obesity. Over the past 60 years, the percentage of Americans 20 and older battling obesity has tripled from 14% to 42%.

Other factors also increase the risk of Type 2 diabetes, including smoking, binge drinking and lack of physical activity, he said. “The primary reason is the poor diet. A lot of that is the socio-economic status.”

Jackson County is part of the Mississippi River Delta, which has some of the world’s richest soil and some of the nation’s most impoverished people. The poverty rate here is more than twice as high (23%) as it is nationally (less than 11%).


“Processed food is a lot cheaper than fresh fruits and vegetables,” Simon said. “You can stretch your dollars compared to fresh food.”

According to a Harvard School of Public Health study, eating healthy costs about $1.50 more a day.

The Delta, which includes Arkansas, Louisiana and Mississippi, includes many food deserts.

Convenience stores are closer and cheaper, which “leads to consuming more processed food, which are high in calories,” Simon said. “That leads to putting on weight, which leads to obesity. That, in turn, leads to diabetes over a 5- to 10-year period. It’s a complex societal problem.”

To battle the problem, the Arkansas Department of Health is promoting prevention, management and treatment of diabetes, working with registered dieticians, pharmacists and lifestyle coaches, he said. Since the pandemic began, those programs have had to go online.

Losing weight can help reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes and even reverse it in some cases, he said. “Losing about 5 to 10% of body weight can decrease the risk of diabetes by 50%.”

That’s important, he said, because the risk of diabetes increases with age. In the U.S., 27% of Americans 65 and older have diabetes.

This town of less than 8,000 has more than 20 churches, two grocery stores, two franchise dollar stores, three second-hand stores, a medium security prison and a medical supply store stocked with products for those battling diabetes.

Nationally, the median household income is $68,703. In Arkansas, the income is $47,597. In this town, it’s even lower at $30,398.

“We do well financially compared to towns our size around the state,” Stewart said. “We’re just an old Delta town. People will come in for a few years to work … and they’ll say, ‘I’ve been to a lot of towns, but I’ve never been to one like Newport. Everybody’s friendly. It’s like you’re their best friend.’”

Perhaps that’s what attracted the Walton family here in 1945, putting in a Ben Franklin “five-and-dime” store. Within five years, Sam Walton had turned it into the top franchise in the state.

“My dad had a shoe store on Front Street a few blocks from there,” Stewart recalled. “He and my dad were friends. They were part of the Downtown Business Association together.”

But when Walton went to renew his lease in 1950, his landlord balked at extending it, so he headed for northwestern Arkansas and opened a store in Bentonville.

The name? Walton’s 5&10.

In 1962, he opened his first Walmart in Rogers. A dozen stores later, he returned here to build in the place where it all began. Today, there are more than 10,000 Walmart stores nationwide.

Mayor David Stewart, pictured here in his office in Newport, Ark., on Aug. 12, 2021, was surprised to learn he’s living in the most diabetic county in America. Rory Doyle/MCIR

Mayor David Stewart, pictured here in his office in Newport, Ark., on Aug. 12, 2021, was surprised to learn he’s living in the most diabetic county in America. Rory Doyle/MCIR

Half of those who have prediabetes develop Type 2 diabetes in five to 10 years.

Between 2009 and 2013, Dr. Guilford Dudley, an internist, and his wife, Retha, a nurse practitioner, ran a free medical clinic with others here through the First United Methodist Church, testing blood sugar, blood pressure and the like.

“Not one person was paid for working,” she said. “Where there was a need, God met that need.”

What they saw stunned them. “We were seeing with people, even end-stage kidney disease, as a result of their diabetes that had never really been treated,” he said. “That’s when I changed and realized we needed socialized medicine, because people weren’t getting treated.”

The couple shut down the clinic after Medicaid expansion took place in Arkansas, making it possible for their patients to receive health insurance coverage.

Nationwide, more than 34 million Americans are battling diabetes, but more than twice as many – 88 million – have prediabetes, which is higher than normal blood sugar that has yet to develop into diabetes.

The couple said they would like to see health-care providers be more aggressive with the diagnosis of prediabetes. “People think when you say that that they’re not diabetic, they’re OK,” he said, “but if you say they’re prediabetic and you start managing that, that gets their attention.”

Half of those who have prediabetes develop Type 2 diabetes in five to 10 years. Prediabetes can bring long-term damage to the heart, blood vessels and kidneys. A study last year showed an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and death.

“Both of my parents were diabetic,” Dr. Dudley said. “This is what motivated me.”

Three decades ago, the physician, then 260 pounds, learned he was headed down the same path as his parents.

The diagnosis of prediabetes woke him up, and he began to eat healthy and exercise. Today he weighs 175 pounds.

He began taking Metformin. “It’s a very safe drug,” he said. “I started on that, and I’ve never developed diabetes.”

Dr. Guilford Dudley, left, an internist, and his wife Retha Dudley, a nurse practitioner, in their home in Newport, Ark., on Aug. 12, 2021, ran a free medical clinic with others here through the First United Methodist Church. Rory Doyle/MCIR

Dr. Guilford Dudley, left, an internist, and his wife Retha Dudley, a nurse practitioner, in their home in Newport, Ark., on Aug. 12, 2021, ran a free medical clinic with others here through the First United Methodist Church. Rory Doyle/MCIR

Retha Dudley, whose mother died of complications from diabetes, said what they saw in their free medical clinic was heartbreaking. “By the time they came in, they’d already been a diabetic for two, three or five years,” she said.

She warned those diagnosed with prediabetes that diabetes could happen to them if they refused to change. That frightened plenty of them.

“They didn’t want to get diabetes,” she said. “They connected that with losing a leg or taking insulin.”

She put them on a program to change lifestyles. “We were motivated,” she said. “I took care of them the way I took care of myself.”

The clinic also prescribed Metformin in some cases, she said. “We would tell people, ‘I’ve got a drug that will keep you from being diabetic, and it will help you lose weight,’ and they would say, ‘Give it to me!’”

The couple said that even after prediabetes is diagnosed, some health-care providers fail to discuss the serious health problem with their patients.

As a result, many remain in the dark, a problem made worse by the lack of diabetes educators in this small town, she said. “Why do we not have a diabetes educator?”

To stem this rising tide of diabetes and prediabetes, this town needs a free preventative screening clinic, she said. “The only way to get ahead of this increasing rate of diabetes is to identify prediabetes and be aggressive in addressing it through lifestyle changes and medication.”


‘I’ve hit a brick wall’

In his 30s and 40s, Steve Reid, a 6-foot-7 respiratory therapist, became a triathlete, swimming, biking and running marathons, he said. “I’ve never felt better in my life.”

He weighed 210 pounds, he said. “I was lean and mean. I was in better shape as a young adult than I was in high school.”

But that was then, and this is now. His weight is nearly 300 pounds, down from 360, and he is 66 years old.

“I’ve hit a brick wall,” he said. “I’m trying to get back into the 270s. It’s just tough to do.”


He has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. “It’s just a different way of life when you get older,” he said. “You wind up watching TV instead of exercising.”

He wishes this town had a larger and better workout facility like the one in Memphis where he worked out regularly with his “exercise family” at 5:10 each morning. When it comes to fitness, “you need a hell of a support system,” he said.

He said there’s a misconception when people retire that they can eat what they like because they feel they’ve worked hard their whole lives, he said. “You’ve got to stick with it. I’m thankful I have a good functioning heart, and my circulation is good.”

To cover his hunger-reducing medicine, he bought an expensive health insurance policy that lowered the price to $20, he said.

He had hoped to work several more years, but had to retire due to COVID-19. Now that same drug is $600.

“I can’t afford that,” he said. “I’m on a fixed income.”

He confesses that he needs “to exercise, eat the right foods and push myself away from the table before I’m stuffed.”

The road to healthy ways is proving difficult in a household full of sugary soft drinks, juices and junk food, he said.

He knows he must change. “If I don’t,” he said, “I’m headed for worse.”

‘Something needs to be done’

For Stewart, the fight against diabetes is personal.

His mother had Type 2 diabetes and so did his older brother.

After a long day of working with his dad at the shoe store, his mother would fix dinner for their family of eight, but she would have to eat something else because of her diabetes.

In her later years, she struggled to breathe, and her disease forced her to have heart bypass surgery. She spent her last three years on dialysis.

Now that Stewart knows his county has the nation’s highest rate of diabetes, he said he wants to do something about it.

Growing up with a mother suffering from diabetes was “an eye-opener,” and it’s been even more eye-opening to learn the town where he has been mayor for nearly two decades is battling the same disease, he said. “Something needs to be done.”

Do you have prediabetes? More than 84% of Americans who have the serious health condition don’t know it.

Take a test to learn your risk:

Risk Factors for Prediabetes:

  • Being overweight

  • Being 45 years or older

  • Having a parent, brother, or sister with Type 2 diabetes

  • Being physically active less than three times a week

  • Having diabetes during pregnancy or giving birth to a baby weighing more than 9 pounds

  • Having polycystic ovary syndrome

  • Race and ethnicity are also a factor: Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, American Indians, Pacific Islanders and some Asian Americans are at higher risk.

Source: CDC


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This story was produced by the Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting and funded in part by the Fund for Investigative Journalism. It was also produced in partnership with the Community Foundation for Mississippi’s local news collaborative, which is independently funded in part by Microsoft Corp. The collaborative includes MCIR, the Clarion Ledger, the Jackson Advocate, Jackson State University, Mississippi Public Broadcasting and Mississippi Today.

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